100,00 €
ou mais

Family Day

By donating this amount you receive:

- 1 A Recognition of your name on our website and social networks.

- 4 Tickets "Photographic Safari" (you can visit the "Gaianos Forest" and take photos of the animals, forest and waterfalls)

- 4 Entrances to the Animal Paradise (spend the day interacting with animals)

- 2 Creative Workshops (where the created product is taken to your home)

- 1 Expedition of treasure hunt with metal detector

- 1 Session of Pyramid therapy.

Note: It can be used from April 2021.

The rewards are not personalized so they can be shared among family and friends, giving joy, health and well-being.

Compartilhe nas suas redes sociais

As contribuições estão fechadas neste momento

¡¡ A campanha já terminou !!
Esta plataforma de crowdfunding não garante que os projetos sejam completados e financiados. É responsabilidade do promotor do projeto entregar todas as recompensas ou detalhes simbólicos comprometidos com os contribuintes.
Você precisa de ajuda técnica?
  • soporte@crowdants.com
  • 659 57 09 53 (whatsapp)
  • (S-S 9:00 a 14:00)